TL;DR: Type Variance.

Arrays in Java are covariant containers, but they can be used in contravariant contexts, leading to mayhem.

Two Textbook Examples

The following code (adapted from an example in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Item 28) is valid Java, insofar that the compiler doesn’t complain:

String[] strings = new String[2];
Object[] obs = strings;
obs[0] = 3;

The last line will fail at runtime with an ArrayStoreException, since obs knows that it is an array of String and not Integer, and this type constraint is enforced at runtime.

But why were we able to store a String[] in a variable of type Object[]? Well, javac says, a String is an Object, so if you can do something with an Object[] then you should also be able to do the same thing with a String[]. For example, consider the following (contrived) function that sums up the hashes of all objects in obs:

long sumHash(Object[] obs) {
    long result = 0;
    for (Object ob : obs) {
        result += ob.hashCode();
    return result;

This function can be called on String[], Integer[], etc., indeed on an array of any type that inherits from Object, precisely because it only uses features provided by the supertype Object instead of using any features of a more specialized type like String.

Since an Object[] only allows you to use features of the Object class on its elements, javac concludes, being able to cast an array of any subtype of Object to Object[] makes perfect sense. This is an example of covariance: whenever we have a type A and another type B that extends A, every B[] is also an A[] since every B is also an A.

What’s the Difference?

Why does sumHash work as expected but the first example fail? Some would jump to blame mutability, but that’s not the root cause of our troubles. It helps to extract the problematic part of the first example into a function:

void assignInt(Object[] obs) {
    obs[0] = 69;

The function assignInt takes an Object[] of length at least 1 and assigns an (autoboxed) Integer to its first index. A call to this code will fail with an ArrayStoreException if the type of obs is, for instance, String[]. (One might argue that the signature of this function should be void assignInt(Integer[]), but that is a question of programming style, which is out of the scope of this post.)

But there are some types for which this function will behave as expected. The following calls will succeed:

  • assignInt(new Integer[1])
  • assignInt(new Number[1])
  • assignInt(new Object[1])

Note, however, that the following calls will fail at runtime (although not at compile time):

  • assignInt(new String[1])
  • assignInt(new Double[1])

Notice a pattern here? An array of any supertype of Integer is a valid input to assignInt. When used as an input to assignInt, Object[] is a subtype of Integer[], since an Object[] can be used in place of an Integer[]. This is an example of contravariance of types.

This is in stark contrast to sumHash, where an Object[] is a supertype of Integer[], since an Integer[] can be used in place of an Object[], which we postulated earlier as an example of covariance.

And therein lies the problem: Java expects arrays to be covariant in all contexts, but allows them to be used in contravariant contexts, leading to errors that cannot be caught at compile time. If it were possible to specify that assignInt expects an array of any supertype of Integer[] whereas sumHash expects an array of any subtype of Object then that would solve our problems.

And we can Actually do that in Java

using generics! Java generics are invariant by default, meaning that even if we have two types A and B where B is a subtype of A, a List<B> is neither a supertype nor a subtype of List<A>. At first blush this seems less useful, since, for instance, the function long sumHash(List<Object>) cannot be called on an instance of List<String>, nor can the function void assignInt(List<Integer>) be called on a List<Number>, even though both would clearly work as expected. In order to communicate type variance to the compiler, we need to write generic functions instead. The following functions work as expected, and take variance into account explicitly using bounded wildcards:

  • void sumHash(List<? extends Object>): This will take a list of any type that extends Object. Note that the bound ? extends Object can be replaced with ? since every type is a subtype of Object.
  • void assignInt(List<? super Integer>): This will take a list of any type that is a supertype of Integer.

There is a general principle about type variance at play here, which Bloch summarizes as “producer-extends, consumer-super (PECS)” in Item 31 of Effective Java which I will delve much deeper into in a following post, where I discuss a fair amount of Category Theory and the general principle of variance and the specific ways in which it applies to programming with generic types.

In summary, we can obtain compile-time type safety and appropriate type variance using generic containers in place of arrays. For this reason it is generally considered good practice to use generic containers instead of arrays unless the (usually minimal) performance penalty is unbearable.
